The ISTCP-VIII Congress will deal with several aspects of Theoretical Chemical Physics including electronic structure, molecular mechanics, nuclear motion in molecules, chemical reactions, statistical mechanics, and many other problems.
The scientific programme of the Congress will consist of oral presentations and poster sessions. Some of the lectures will be groupped into thematic sessions, leaving room for general sessions covering a variety of other topics.
Thematic Sessions
The following topics have been picked so far:
- Electron Correlation
Organizer: Mihály Kállay, kallay at - Relativistic effects in molecules
Organizer: Jürgen Gauss, gauss at - Uncertainty Analysis in Chemical Kinetics and Thermodynamics
Organizer: Tamás Turányi, turanyi at
More coming soon...
Each thematic session will involve invited and contributed talks. If you are interested in any of the thematic topics, please contact the corresponding organizer at the email address given above. We also suggest to do a pre-registration at the Registration page.